C P P – Cow Pat Pit, also known as Barrel Compost or a ferment

July 19, 2024

C P P – Cow Pat Pit, also known as Barrel Compost or a ferment

Cow Pat Pit, known as CPP, is also a ferment. It is not one of Steiner's Biodynamic Preparations, but was developed by leading Biodynamic proponent, Maria Thun who conducted extensive research into its benefits. Today, CPP is widely used in Biodynamic farming as vibrant soil activator and conditioner.

CPP is biodynamically treated aged cow manure containing calcium rich eggshells and basalt mineral dust.  A good handful dissolved in warmed rain or spring water- is stirred for 20 minutes before being applied directly to soil or seedlings, as a foliar spray. CPP can also be added for the last twenty minutes of the Horn manure 500 stir. This will then become the carrier for the biodynamic compost preparations onto your land.

How is it used?
CPP can be used at any time to enhance soil fertility.  One kilogram of CPP can be diluted and dynamised with 45 litres of unpolluted water for per acre use.  It can be applied through hand sprays or the irrigation system.  CPP can be used in many ways.  It can be alternated with a weed or kelp tonic or a Lucerne tea; or it can be applied every two weeks during growing season for incredible results.  Interestingly, in testimony to CPP’s healing and detoxifying powers, after the Chernobyl disaster, vegetables grown in the area were radioactive.  CPP was applied as a project, and in time the produce that was then tested was completely free of radiation.  The high effectiveness of CPP is due to the fact that it contains the whole spectrum of the Biodynamic Preparations.

Also in Biodynamic Wines

Biodynamic Preperation 500
Biodynamic Preperation 500

June 13, 2024


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